Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Our New Favorite Book

Ryan brought in a fantastic book to share with our class! It's called "The Book That Eats People". It was hilarious! Here's the cover:

It's all about a very dangerous book who can smell peanut butter and jelly on sticky fingers (who read it). The author warns us to NOT read the book in a room where we're alone, and says we should put something heavy on top of it to protect ourselves!

It even sucked in a poor little boy who did not know how dangerous the book was! The book just gobbled him up in one big bite!

Look at the book staring at the poor little girl who's brushing her teeth. His spiky teeth look creepy! LOOOOOK OOUUUUT!!!!

The librarians were so worried about keeping all of the children safe, they shipped the book off to the zoo, where it could be locked up behind bars.

If you'd like to see how the book ends at home, check this book out!
You won't be sorry!
(And - DON'T read this book alone... you will just be asking for trouble.)

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