Saturday, September 11, 2010

Our First Painting Project!

Everyone in our class painted their self-portrait this past week.

Many kids tried mixing water with tiny drops of different colors to get that perfect "skin" color.

There are few things more exciting than a brand new paint set!

The finished product :
(Can you tell whose is whose?)

What a fantastic bunch of artists we've got in Room 14!!


  1. Thank you for all the time and love you put into this blog. Jalena and I enjoyed going through all the entries tonight. Your dedication is appreciated and we are so grateful that you are in our lives. Kathy

  2. This is Jalena saying hello! I hope you are having a good weekend! I love the pictures and paintings! Have I ever told you that you are a great teacher plus you have a beautiful laugh and smile! You have lots of joy and gratitude in you! You are soooooooooooo nice!

  3. Good morning! This is Jalena's little brother.Whats up !!! What are you doing? My sissy says YOU ROCK and I think so to! BYEBYE

  4. This is Jalena! Like the whole class balanced a pencil! Pretty cool. See you at the carnival! P.S peace! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! bye
