Thursday, June 10, 2010

Camp Fox Rocks!

Camp Fox Rocks started on Tuesday, June 8th, and boy is it FUN!
We started off our camp session with a hearty pancake breakfast.
Pass the syrup!
We have written in our camp journals...

We love camping out by our best buds!

It's always fun to use a flashlight!

So far, we've written postcards home, we've made beaded necklaces, sung silly songs, and have done some fun crafts! We even manage to work in some nutrition studies, & multiplication and division in the mornings, so we totally ROCK!
Still to come.... s'mores, hot dog cook-outs, more songs, journal writing, and a sing-along with other classes!

1 comment:

  1. How fun it obviously is to be a 2nd grader!! :)
