Saturday, June 25, 2011

Camp Fox Rocks Craft Time!

We made mosaic crafts at camp, using dried beans and lentils.
Everyone designed a shape, then went to work!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Camp Fox Rocks Really ROCKS!

Today was the first day of Camp Fox Rocks!
We ate pancakes for breakfast, then wrote a post card to someone at home. We wrote in our journals, and made camp necklaces with beads on them.

At SQUIRT time (silent reading), we got to turn out the lights and read with flashlights!

Tiny disclaimer : These were taken with a cell phone!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Red Explosion!

Last week, we had our final Wear Read Day. This one was extra special because it was called RED EXPLOSION DAY!

Fox Rocks!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Communities Project

We have been studying different types of communities in our class. We have talked about urban, suburban, and rural communities, and how they are different. We've talked about renewable resources, and the differences between "needs" and "wants".

Each team worked together to make part of our enormous community. Each child made a house, and each team made 2 businesses. Check it out!